Sunday, January 4, 2009

The Party is over:(

As a teacher, I am sad and glad to see the Christmas holidays come to an end.  I will miss sleeping late, but I miss seeing those 15 little faces much more.   I will miss the silence of home, but I miss the giggles, laughter, and excited voices more.   I can't wait to hug each one of them and hear what Santa brought and what happened in their lives in the last two weeks.  I now get to spend the next 18 weeks helping these kids learn to love learning.  Something that I hope lasts them through the rest of their lives.  I LOVE my job!!!

What else do I hope to accomplish this year?   In another blog I read a woman say the she was making no resolutions or plans.  She is giving this year to God.  That is what I hope to do also.  I am not going to say what I am going to do but what I hope God will allow me to do with his help and guidance.  I hope to live the life that God has planned for me.  I hope that my life is a testimony to His love and grace.  I hope to move forward with my adoption and be able to travel to Uganda in 5-6 months to  pick up my daughter.  I hope to loose weight and live a healthier lifestyle.  I hope to become a better witness, teacher, friend, daughter, church member, and business woman.  I hope that my business grows even more.  I hope this is the year God sends the man He wants to be my husband and the father of my children.   All of these things I hope and pray for.  Please pray for them with me also.  But I know that if these things do not happen,  it is because God has a better plan for me than I can dream of for this year.  I can't wait to see what the plan is.

Have a great and blessed 2009!


S and K said...

Hi Tanya! Sorry I don't comment much... I usually just have enough time to stalk. But I just wanted to tell you that every time I stalk I will be praying for all your hopes. I remember being in your shoes, almost exactly, just 5 years ago. My what God has done in 5 years. I never would've imagined such overwhelmingly amazing blessings in my life. Praying that you will look back 5 years from now and testify how the Lord has blessed you beyond these simple hopes!

jena said...

I was so happy to find your blog! We continue to pray specifically about your journey.

Love your t-shirts and LOVE the picture on the slide during your field trip. My 1st grader would love to have you as a teacher!
